Centenary celebration of Swami Vivekananda Temple Admission Notice for 2023-24 Results Notice for class V, VI, VII

Mission & Vision

The Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapeeth is a unit of the Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Lumdung which has its Headquarter at Belur Math, Howrah, West Bengal.

Right Education is the Panacea of all evils in the Society. In the year 1893 the Great Monk and Saviour Swami Vivekananda went into a divine mood of deep contemplation sitting on the last rock of our mother land at Kanyakumari in South India and got an inner revelation. He had been travelling extensively throughout the country for last two years and during his landmark meditation at the said rock he realised that EDUCATION is the Panacea of all evils. This education does not simply mean book learning, but it includes Social Awareness, Knowing the Mother Land with a right understanding, Technical and Vocational Education as well as Spiritual Education. He also realised that negligence of women in our country in previous centuries had become a vivacious swearword for the nation. Therefore in later life he emphasized up on Education in all levels and established the Ramakrishna Mission with a vision to eradicate illiteracy and ignorance of the mass at large. And right education applied to the right person in the right place at the right moment can produce revolutions in the history of the world.

Later when the Ramakrishna Mission was formed by Swami Vivekananda, among many other programs taken up by the Mission, Education became a vital agendum to accomplish with. Since last one century or more this world wide Organization has been monitoring and imparting proper education to millions of people, children, youth and adult starting from Primary level to the Post Graduate Level or more in the fields of General Academics, Engineering, Medical and Social Sciences. Education must be such that one can stand on one’s own feet. Needless to say such education should basically be Man Making and Character Building Education. The hidden Perfection already in man is manifested through proper Education only. Therefore the definition of Education can be narrated, according to Swami Vivekananda as : Education if the Manifestation of the Perfection Already in Man.

As per the most recent Annual Report of Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math, Howrah, the total number of Primary Schools ( including Pre-Basic etc.) run by the Mission is : 208 ; Number of Secondary Schools is 40 ; Number of Higher Secondary Schools is 35 ; Number of Colleges ( General and Technical) is 12 ; Number of University is 1 ; Number of Blind Boys’ Academy is 1 ; Number of Nonformal Educational Centres is 522 ; and many other institutions, Vocational and Traditional, which are catering about 11.31 lakhs students, learners and research scholars. Our Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapeeth, Lumdung is one of them. We do hope that in future some Vocational Training Courses also should begin for the youths of Arunachal Pradesh to fulfil the desire of Swami Vivekananda.