Centenary celebration of Swami Vivekananda Temple Admission Notice for 2023-24 Results Notice for class V, VI, VII

From the desk of the Secretary

From the desk of the Secretary

Swami Sarvagananda Maharaj

Swami Vivekananda defined Education as : Education is the manifestation of the Perfection already in Man. Therefore it goes without saying that in every field of life Education is essential. When the Ramakrishna Mission was invited by the State Government of Arunachal Pradesh in 2016 to establish a Secondary School at a remote village Lumdung in the district of East Kameng, it appeared to be very difficult. But the intense desire of local people to start Ramakrishna Mission School at Lumdung was successful and in March 2023 we were finally able to inaugurate the School on the hilltop for every tribal people of Arunachal Pradesh. This place was originally called Village – Tagungphu. Lumdung is the name of the locality and the Nyishi Tribe kindly donated a piece of land to Ramakrishna Mission to establish a new School. Sri Mama Natung, the then HMLA of the locality extended every help to start the construction of School Buildings. While staying in the local PWD Inspection Bungalow, the monastic members started work of construction of the school. On the other hand in the premises of the local Govt. Secondary School, R K Mission started a Primary School : Ramakrishna Mission Shishu Vidyamandir, Lumdung . Started with Class 1 and 2 in 2018, it steadily grew year by year and in 2023 this school attained up to class 7 with 225 students, boys and girls. In 2024 Class 8 is going to start with total strength of 260 students and 25 staff, teaching and non teaching. The first batch of Secondary Exam (CBSE) is expected to appear in 2027.

The Sanatan Bharat is coming up and as Swami Vivekananda envisaged, Bharat will lead the world not with the power of sword but with the power of Spirituality. The Traditional of Sanatan Bharat in the field of Education and else has to be radically revived with the participation of every citizen of our country. This School is a necessary step forward towards the implementation of the Ideas and Ideals of Sanatan Bharat as propounded by Swami Vivekananda.

Sri Pema Khandu, Hon. Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Sri Chowna Mein, Hon. Deputy Chief Minister, Arunachal Pradesh and all others are keen to see that the children of this Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapeeth Lumdung become the torch-bearer of the country in near future. The road ahead is not all very smooth and comfortable though, but we believe that with the good wishes of all Arunachalis and the management of Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math, West Bengal, it will be steady, pleasurable and elevating both for the individual and collective levels of the Society.

Looking forward to the whole hearted cooperation of every one, connected or not connected, in our journey towards success, let me conclude with the universal prayer : Asato Ma Sadgamaya, Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya, Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya ( let us proceed from unreal to the Real, from darkness to light and from impermanent to permanency in our lives ). OM TAT SAT.

Secretory Signature